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Deus Ex Creator Hopes Mankind Divided Goes Beyond "Violent-o-rific" Action

Added: 01.05.2015 13:18 | 11 views | 0 comments

Warren Spector, the veteran games developer who helped create the seminal Deus Ex original, has praised the series' 2010 reboot was pretty violence-o-rific, which bugged me a little. I mean, Deus Ex was never about killing stuff. It was about picking your own play style, which might involve killing stuff."

Nevertheless, Spector appeared confident that the Mankind Divided video might not be representative of the final game.

"In trailers, you just have to give people the most action-packed stuff you can, I assume," he said.

"Given how well Human Revolution did at the whole choice and consequence idea I'm hoping--and have confidence--the actual game will be a little the 'Play-style Matters' mold."

"Play-style Matters" is a phrase coined by Spector to generally describe freedom in a game to make your own choices and, as a consequence, how its characters and world responds to those decisions.


Warren Spector on Deus Ex: Human Revolution Junction Point Studios' Cancelled Half-Life Title

Added: 01.05.2015 10:17 | 15 views | 0 comments

Warren Spector, creator of the first Deus Ex game, shared his thoughts - in his recent Reddit AMA - on Deus Ex: Human Revolution and the cancelled Half-Life title that Junction Point Studios was working on.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution Isn't As Great As I Remembered It

Added: 30.04.2015 9:17 | 18 views | 0 comments

GB Burford:"Everyone has that one game they still remember playing for the first time. For me, it was Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Looking back, it seems weirdother games occupy my personal best-of list, but something about Human Revolution struck a distinct chord with me. It is a game I love. With the recent announcement of a new Deus Ex, I revisited the series, only to find that all was not well with the series last big installment."


Affordable Space Adventures: Giving Value to the GamePad

Added: 30.04.2015 2:17 | 26 views | 0 comments

Michael Bowerman of Gaming Rebellion Writes: "When I was lured into playing the Wii U, I was totally taken aback by how much I enjoyed the GamePad. In fact, one of my absolute favorite features the GamePad offers is the off-TV play; I use it all the time. But, too often the software developed for the Wii U doesnt utilize the GamePad which is why it is current gen. Many times even Nintendo doesnt utilize it well; take note of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and even the sales monster Mario Kart 8. The GamePad is too often barely used, if at all. In fact, the most innovative usages of the GamePad have usually come about with second and third party titles, such as The Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, and Deus Ex. Human Revolution DC."


Secrets you may have missed in Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Added: 29.04.2015 12:40 | 44 views | 0 comments

With being surgically constructed as we type, there's rarely been a better time to return to Eidos Montreal's triumphant first attempt to augment the classic series for a new generation. Not least because there's so much you probably missed first time around.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is so dense that it’s ripe for in-jokes, and Lead Narrative Designer Mary DeMarle, writer James Swallow and Art Director Jonathan Jacques-Belletete didn’t disappoint when we begged for enlightenment…


A part that didn’t make the final cut was on the top tier of Hengsha. “Man, you should have seen the architecture we had. And the view!” says Jonathan Jacques-Belletete. “We had a look-out spot where you saw the eco city all the way across, with its layered districts influenced by rice paddies, and the Tai Yong Medical skyscraper monolithically standing in the middle of it all. All that with a humongous sun burning your eyes...”

In FEMA, a pocket secretary provides the names of Eidos Montreal employees that have been added to the ADEX list – troublemakers who should be rounded up and imprisoned. Meanwhile in Detroit, Detective Frank McCann and Officer Champagne are both named after designers, while Audio Director Steve Szczepkowski works at the local LIMB clinic.

The colour yellow gets quite an outing in DX:HR, so much so that the art team decided to leave multiple buckets of yellow paint in the game’s corridors and construction zones.

Nods to the original Deus Ex game abound in DX:HR – on news broadcast ticker-tape you could read predictions about everything from the earthquake that would sink California to mentions of the original’s famous lemon-lime fizzy pop. “Probably one of the most memorable for me,” adds Mary DeMarle, “is the diatribe that’s being delivered by a hobo ‘doomsayer’ during the Detroit riots. He’s trying to warn people about the danger posed by the Illuminati and pretty much predicts the coming of the Grey Death.”

Final Fantasy XXVII can be seen throughout the game, first added in the very week that Eidos was acquired by Square Enix. “You have no idea how serious the whole affair got!” laughs Jonathan Jacques-Belletete. “It went to the highest echelons of Square Enix’s hierarchy to get it approved for inclusion in the game.”

The most secretive email exchange in DX:HR is in a mini-storage unit in Hengsha – and it’s that of a hacker who recorded the opening conspirator conference. He’s also responsible for every Nigerian scam email in the game. “The last mail on his computer is an automated failure report from the program he created to send out these mails,” says Mary DeMarle. “It lists where every Nigerian email can be found. I love this mail especially, because it was written for me by one of the programmers!”

Meetings are good for something. “The first cutscene I wrote, I did to kill time while waiting for a meeting to finish,” James Swallow reveals. “It was used, almost totally unchanged, as the final scene in the game. Stay to the end of the credits, kids.”

Petition: French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish voice overs for Final Fantasy XV

Added: 27.04.2015 11:17 | 29 views | 0 comments

Final Fantasy XV has been in development since nine years and fans of the video game saga want it to be the ultimate gaming experience. This is why fans around the globe started a petition to add more voice overs to Final Fantasy XV than Japanese and English. French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish build a bigger part of the spoken languages in global sale territories and are already supported by publishers like Ubisoft or EA with professional voice overs. Even Square Enix has provided full localizations for games such as Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Tomb Raider for the mentioned territories. Surely there are true fans of Japanese anime and gaming, who prefer to stick to the original Japanese voice track, but on the ther hand this petition helps players, who enjoy good stories told in their mother tongue just like a movie blockbuster.


Price drop: $3.00 off Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut Game Xbox 360, now only $20.49

Added: 18.04.2015 2:20 | 17 views | 0 comments

Save $3.00 on Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut Game Xbox 360! The price of Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut Game Xbox 360 has been dropped by $3.00, order now from with free delivery to Australia and New Zealand.


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